Determining and communicating a visual hierarchy is crucial to the effectiveness of your UX design. Read on to learn the principles of visual hierarchy and how it can improve your UX.

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Users appreciate the ability to see matching values in a drop-down value list as they type in a field. It helps reduce the number of items to choose from, and the more they type, the fewer results they see. You can easily implement this kind of type-ahead value list filtering capability in FileMaker!

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In this post, learn how to create both a leading and trailing subsummary part for the same field on a single report.

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Here are five user interface updates you might want to make while updating your FileMaker solution after converting from the Classic Theme.

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Here are some little-known features that might be a little more difficult to discover, and shortcuts that can help out in a pinch. Some of these nuggets can make developing faster, easier, or more accurate.

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When a user selects a value from a drop-down list, FileMaker’s expected behaviour is to move the cursor automatically to the next field (or object) in the tab order. If that field also has a drop-down list attached, this will have the effect of activating the list. Under normal circumstances, this is fine and even

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